Dr. Cunningham received her Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology and Psychopharmacology from the University of South Carolina. Dr. Cunningham is the Chauncey Leake Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and the Director of the Center for Addiction Research at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.
She leads a team comprised of over 40 members contributing to research affiliated directly with the study of addiction and associated behaviors. A world-renown leader, she is a highly sought-after speaker and has led this specific type of research for over 20 years.
Dr. Cunningham’s laboratory has made multiple contributions to our understanding of the pharmacology associated with psychiatric disorders including addiction behavior. Her laboratory is highly advanced and established new cellular, behavioral and molecular methods to study these systems and to discovery and explore the biology of new medication candidates developed with affiliated chemists. Dr. Cunningham’s research focuses on an all-inclusive operation that allows for cross-disciplinary, translational research efforts with medicinal chemists, biomedical engineers, cell biologists, and clinical scientists contributing findings as an expert team to find cures for our mental and addiction health needs. Dr. Cunningham is an active educator, mentor and board member for community programs.